Fantasy and Reality

I love this picture of Terry Pratchett. This is what I want my office to look like some day, crammed with heavy, leather-bound books, a crackling fire going and steam rising off my coffee as I pour over the latest story I’m writing:

Image result for pratchett at work

This picture of Stephen King is pretty awesome too, especially the dog. There are so many piles of paper and notes posted to the wall that it almost doesn’t look posed:


And, of course, the cover of my friend, T.A. Henry’s, first novel is about as romantic as writing can get:

In comparison, THIS has been my writing desk while our kitchen was being renovated this summer:

2 thoughts on “Fantasy and Reality

  1. But it is only temporary and the end is in sight. And the lack of space and the disorder have not stopped you from writing. That’s the good part.


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